Rigorous testing has been undertaken by TGA approved laboratories in Australia to demonstrate
our products capabilities against germs.
Our skin products have passed a “surgical hand rub test” EN1500 making them suitable for use in
a therapeutic environment.
Our surface product is listed with the TGA as capable of killing 99.99% of Bacteria and inactivating
99.9% of COVID19 on hard surfaces for up to 28 days after its application.
Hygiene Labs™ some of our current testing claims
EN1276 & EN13697 TIME TO KILL:
• Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538)
• Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC15442)
• Enterococcus hirae (ATCC 10541)
• Escherichia coli (ATCCl 0536)
• Result “Log rate 4” (99.99%) kill rate.
Long Acting Virus test
MHV-1 Murine hepatitis – Approved COVID19 surrogate
Result after 28 days “Log rate 3.0 (99.9%)
Boeing D6–7127
Suitability for disinfectants on aircraft interior surfaces.
Airbus AIMS 09–00–002
Suitability for disinfectants on Airbus Interior surfaces and finishes.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic we have been doing a considerable amount of research and testing to prove the efficacy of Hygiene Labs™ Antimicrobial Shield against the COVID-19 virus.
Following testing by an approved National Association of Testing Authorities laboratory in Sydney, which was conducted in line with the Therapeutic Goods of Australia (TGA) guidelines to an ASTM1053 method, it has been proven that our Antimicrobial Shield was eective in inactivating greater than >99.99% (>4-log) of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) surrogate, MHV-3.